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By Lew Stonehouse

John Livingston Harvard reveals himself continually juggling the cruel fact of his task as an ex-cop and personal eye along with his duties as a divorced dad attempting to bring up his six yr previous daughter with the affection and tenderness that she wishes. That stability is critically demonstrated whilst a lady he has been employed to watch is abducted earlier than his very eyes.

While investigating the kidnapping, Livingston learns that the lady has constructed the last word hacking software, in a position to bringing down not just humans and firms, yet whole international locations in addition. She did this no longer for greed, yet in an ongoing attempt to finish hacking perpetually and now her stable intentions are being twisted for the good thing about an evil group.

Time is of the essence as he desperately fights to carry her again prior to her software is hired and her usefulness − and her existence − are not any longer useful. because the case unfolds, Livingston unearths himself mired in a nightmarish international of company espionage and homicide that would try not just his abilities as a detective, yet his very skill to outlive to boot.

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Twisted Intentions by Lew Stonehouse

by David

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